Luchart, N [ – ] Luchart soll sich in der Entourage von Franz Albrecht von Sachsen-Lauenburg aufgehalten haben. Dalbier, ein Holländer, hatte bereits als Zahlmeister unter Ernst von Mansfeld gedient, stand nun in schwedischen Diensten und berichtete als Augenzeuge über den Tod Gustav Adolfs in der Schlacht bei Lützen am 16.9.1632. „The king wasted no time. As he could not make use of his cannons, he started marching on his enemy, at the head of his Swedish cavalry. He charged on the enemy himself. By his side were volunteer cavaliers, among them the Duke Franz Albrecht of Sachsen-Lauenburg and two gentlemen. According to the reports later made by the Duke of Lauenburg of the events, the king sustained a wound on his arm, was covered in blood and shouted to the Duke of Lauenburg: ‘Please my cousin, give me assistance, I am badly wounded and I need to retire from here’. Upon hearing this, the duke of Lauenburg went to give the king assistance. As he got hold of the royal horse’s bridle to turn him around, an enemy came up behind the king and fired his pistol through the king’s back. The king fell off his horse. A gentleman named Luchart who was following the Duke of Lauenburg killed the man who shot the king”.[1]
[1] WILSON, Sourcebook, S. 175f. (eine sehr empfehlenswerte Quellensammlung).